Just a double?


Grope Lane carving

It's rare to see just a pair of loggerheads. They come in threes traditionally.
Here, on this frieze in Grope Lane in Shrewsbury, we only see two, though they do have slightly different expressions one to the other.
Why just two?

PROBLEM SOLVED! - see answer in Comments field, just down this page

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  1. Well, not quite!! ... refer to the relevant page of Arrol Architects http://arrolarchitects.co.uk/work/16-high-street-shrewsbury/. Arrol were the company to oversee the repair of the facade of 16 High Street (above Costa) and you'll see that there were indeed three loggers originally!
    Sorry if this spoils your original story and resulting post. But it's better to get it right? There's a mark where the third's head would have been.

  2. The three wise loggerheads! Just having a closer look at the these loggers of Grope Lane ... Everything that guy carved seems slightly jokey - and I think the loggerheads expressions are meant to be a take on the three wise monkeys. What we have are The Three Wise Loggers - if you look really carefully, you can just make out the one with his hands covering ears and then one with his hands covering his mouth and I think the third logger/monkey was originally there but fell off.


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