Showing posts with label Old Market Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old Market Hall. Show all posts

Going Dutch at the cafe

 Twinning window at The 'Old Market Hall', Shrewsbury

The 'Old Market Hall' cinema-cafe complex in the centre of Shrewsbury displays more than one set of loggerheads.  This one, in the cafe windows, celebrates the links between Shrewsbury and the Dutch town of Zutphen - with the town council's arms on the left and a picture of of Sir Philip Sidney on the right.
Sir Philip, who was educated at Shrewsbury and has a statue dedicated to him at Shrewsbury School, died of his wounds at the Battle of Zutphen in 1586. 
The photo shows part of the window in the OMH which was created to celebrate the long-standing 'twinning' agreement between the two towns (which only recently came to an end).


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Shrewsbury hopper

 Guttering hopper on OMH

If you just look up, and carefully, you'll see plenty of loggerheads, even in the most unlikely places.
This set is on the hopper of a rain downpipe at the Old Market Hall in Shrewsbury town centre.

The OMH building rests on stilts, so to speak, with an open space beneath it that once served as a public market where the the certain stalls within it kept out of the rain.

The first floor area (which you glimpse here) would have been an civic-administrative space, which is why there are loggerheads all over the OMH.  Nowadays, the first floor at the OMH is a cafe and small independent cinema. 

I guess that the loggerheads device on this hopper is what would you'd call an example of civic pride in action.

Which firm would have erected these?

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